15-0-15 Dark Weather Peat-Lite
Product #77180

Description & Key Benefits
An ideal product for growers who want a non-phosphorus, high nitrate product with calcium. Alternate with 20-10-20 Peat-Lite or use as a "finisher" for flowering plants like poinsettias. This formula has the Peat-lite micronutrient levels needed for commercially made peat-lite potting media.
For Use On:
All Plants
Growers Who Want
No Phosphorus, High Basic Formula, Elevated Micronutrients
with Ca

mixing instructions

Chart displays the amount of dry fertilizer (oz.) to add to each gallon of water to make a concentrated solution. Please check your injector setting before use.
Limit of Solubility = 7 lbs per gallon
Important Notes:
E.C. value is the best method to determine fertilizer strength. Fertilizer appearance may vary in color due to variation in raw material size and tracer dye distribution upon the particles in the bag. In solution, color will remain consistent.
For best results, use warm water to dissolve product. Jack's fertilizers are made with 100% soluble raw materials that will form a true solution. Some raw materials are slower to dissolve than others. Keep stock tank covered to reduce light and debris inputs.